Total Mileage for the day - 611 miles
Marble Sized Hail, Torrential Downpours, Two Supercells - and all this on the day we didn't think we'd see anything because of the Florida situation!
We made it into the middle of Nebraska after 5 hours solid driving with a few pitstops. Straight away we were faced with a thunderstorm which grew into a supercell. We got out and took some footage of the storm growing, but then had to get back into the van after the downdraft caught us and it started hailing - hard! The hail became about marble sized and caused one hell of a racket, like someone was firing tennis balls at the van.
We then followed another promising supercell around for a while, but it moved into a colder area so lost it's power so we gave up on it in the end.
Finally we drove back down to North Platt, Nebraska to the hotel we're staying in tonight watching amazing lightning the whole way down. We also ran over a rabbit on the way, does that count as good luck?
All in all a really good day and this is nothing compared to what we expect on the weekend where we should be staying down in Denver, Colarado for a few days where major storms are expected. It's a goodnight from me and a goodnight from James. Bed is calling, 12 hours driving tires you out!
All sounds very exciting! Keep the updates coming!!!